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VP Business Centre News

我們公司已於2018年5月4日獲批”信託或公司服務提供者牌照”, 在香港合法經營信託或公司秘書服務業務。

牌照號碼: TC000109

Tax measures proposed in 2014-15 Budget - Hong Kong:75 per cent reduction of profits tax, salaries tax and tax under personal assessment for the year of assessment 2014-15, subject to a ceiling of $20,000 per case.

香港稅務寬 減 2014-15 課稅度利得稅 、 薪俸稅及個人入息課稅稅款寬減 2014-15 課稅年度百分之七十五的利得稅 、 薪俸稅及個人入息課稅最後評稅稅款,每宗個案以20,000 元為上限。

VP Business Centre News - Updated Profits Tax Rate in Hong Kong

Profits Tax Rate in Hong Kong at 16.5% only, ready to shift your business operation to Hong Kong? Look out the one-stop services detail here

VP Business Centre News - March 2014

Business Registration Fee in Hong Kong will be adjust by Government from HK$250 to HK$2250 start from 1 April 2014 SET UP YOUR HONG KONG COMPANY NOW (before 31st March 2014) in order to save HK$2,000